05 August 2008

Will it ever?

My therapist insists "Vida, it's time start deciding what you want".
The days pass by, I have no clue as to what I want but I am starting to think, or rather, stating " I want a relationship that will last. I cannot go on and on with something that will have an end, just because society doesn't accept it".
After all, I am so tired of spending more time picking up my pieces than being in a relationship and HAPPY!
And honestly, I am tired of her little games. Getting drunk and kissing me or saying "our kids" etc.
And when I react ( not calmly at all) she is mad at me for taking things seriously. Oh, fuck her!
Anyways, again out of topic.
So, my therapist yesterday told me ( and I could see it in her eyes she was feeling for me) "you know it's obvious that you need to have a relationship". She didn't tell me that I am needy or anything. She just understood me.
I want love. I want to give. I want to take. I want a happy life. I want to lie ( and have sex) next to a person that I am in love with. I deserve it!
Oh...will it ever happen?


Mimey said...

Sounds a lot like SHE is the one with the problems, you know.

Vida said...

You know mimey...I 've made lots of mistakes and I am harsh on people. But in these case...I know that I was the one who knew what she wanted.
Of course she is the one with the problems. You just don't wake up in the morning and decide that you don't want a person, but you want to be with them!