01 June 2008

Sms with no meaning.

I told her "I need distance and space" and she said she won't call me back again, only when I want to. I thought that this time she would respect it.
As if this was going to happen. 
Two nights after, last night, she goes to a concert, and at 12am she writes me some lyrics:
"The lives of two people who got together so passionately, don't grow apart so easily".
Oh I got so pissed. What the fuck does she want from me? She wants to be friends and I want a partner. I made that very clear to her.
I replied "Maybe one day we will be friends", trying to avoid the lyrics. She didn't get it.
At 330am she wrote "All I meant was that you mean the world to me".
I never answered back. Ok she is obsessed with me as a friend, as a blogger...whatever.
Why should I suffer?

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